Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Halloween special!!

Ok so I LOVE Halloween! I have done since I was little and my mum dressed me up as a witch in the same outfit every year! I love the dressing up, I love the horror factor and I used to love trick or treating. Last year I went to an amazing night in the middle of nowhere in York. It was a frightful night with people chasing us with chainsaws, multiple clowns and lots of mazes to run through in the dark. This year I am not doing anything as heart racing, but of course I am dressing up! This year I will be going as a Day of the Dead sugar skull Mexican! I have mentioned this celebration earlier in my blog but I have posted some photos to get you excited! These are my Halloween inspired images to get you in the mood for tomorrow!!

A different style of pumpkin, get painting!

Ray Villafane's giant pumpkin carving in New York Botanical gardens last year.

Halloween inspired tattoo

Day of the Dead sugar skull faces!

Saturday, October 27, 2012

The Nine Eyes of Google Street View

12.30: Still in the Saatchi Gallery and down a floor to discover a google image exhibition by Jon Rafman. A series of screen captures from Google street view; this was an unexpectedly excellent exhibition. You would think that Google street images would be a series or boring roads, but the excellence of it is that is has captured moments in time that could easily have been a professional photographer, shots that people maybe couldn't take without stamping their opinion on the situation.

"With its supposedly neutral gaze, the Street View photography had a spontaneous quality unspoiled by the sensitivities of agendas of a human photographer...capturing fragments of reality stripped of all cultural intention." Jon Rafman

Below are a few snapshots of the images, there was a wide variety to see, I recommend going to have a look yourself.

A baby captured escaping from a Gucci store, obviously the mother was busy in the shop!

The chances of capturing a butterfly in the middle of a photograph, how often have you tried and you never get one this good!

A spontaneous moment of water spiralling.

An unsettling image to look at, at a scene of an accident.

I don't think she knew she was on camera, but a beautifully composed photograph.

Friday, October 26, 2012

The Little Black Jacket by Karl Lagerfeld

Ok so I have neglected this lately, but yesterday I had a good excuse! I was exhausted after running around London trying to fit in as many exhibitions as possible on my day off! So I have a treat in store for the next couple of posts as I explain my day! SO lets begin:
10am: Turn up at the Saatchi Gallery and it is closed for a private function, so my day is a tad delayed until..
12pm: Finally get into the gallery and race up the stairs with the many other visitors that were let in at the same time. We entered the space and either side were two rooms plastered with portraits taken by Karl Lagerfeld in the famous Little Black Chanel Jacket. This photography exhibition was great to see, to be able to see the famous jacket on so many different people and how it can be worn or styled so differently. There was so many photographs that I liked/loved, here are a few snapshots although you can't see the full detail in my rubbish pictures. The exhibition finishes soon, so if you want to have a look get there quick! Love Chanel and the many talents of Karl!


Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Just keep looking!!

So I am still a bit slow with the blogging and showing you all the amazing stuff I am laying my eyes on! You will have to wait a little longer, so while you wait I shall post some more of my drawings of eyes! Eyes I think are so important; everyone's are different in terms of how they look, how they show emotion and how good visually they are to let you see. However we all use our vision to see the world our way. So keep looking for that tiny detail that brings a smile to your face, or the massive sign you walk past everyday but never really see!

Friday, October 19, 2012

Tim Walker :Story Teller

So unless you aren't interested in fashion, photography or fairytales, then you will have heard about the exhibition that launched at Somerset House on Thursday, showcasing Tim Walker's dreamland work. I am dying to get to this exhibition, however boring things like working have got in the way, why isn't everything open 24hours a day!! So I am not going to talk about it until I have witnessed it with my own eyes! But here is a little sketch that is inspired by Tim Walker's work, with a post coming soon on the insight to his exhibition!

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Keep your eyes open!!

A quick post tonight, just to remind you that you can find fascinating and beautiful things everywhere, especially in the places you least expect! So keep you eyes open because you never know what you will see next! Also keep watching this space, there is much much more to come!

The original wandering eyes, drawn by moi!

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

A LOVE for metalwork

Ok so this post might be a bit dated, but I have to share my love of metalwork with you! I love the idea of body adornment and decorating the body which is what these two women do perfectly. Both very creative with metal and have a distinct image for their brand, below are examples of Pamela Love and Fanni Schiavoni's work, along with a few of my drawings.

My drawing, with jewellery tied around the wrists from Pamela Love.

Necklace from Pamela Love's women's classic collection.

My drawings of Fannie Schiavoni's Autumn/Winter 2010 collection.

An image from Fannie Schiavoni's Spring/Summer 2011 collection.

Monday, October 15, 2012

A way to brighten your day, if you don't mind a few ghouls hanging around!

I feel that there is going to be a common theme over the next month, as everywhere I look there are reminders of Halloween and Dia de los Muertos (Day of the Dead). So I am going to go straight for the slightly spooky theme with an exhibition I went to last week called 'Dare to Wear' at the Crypt Gallery.  A beautiful Crypt on Euston Road that can easily be passed, but if you dare to find the entrance you will step down into another world. Yes it maybe a slightly crazy one, with mannequins and barbie dolls being a common element in a lot of the artists exhibitions, however  I thought it was a great way to celebrate death as a juxtaposition of luminous colour displayed in a stone chamber. A favourite of mine was the painted leather jackets which you can see below. I think it is worth a visit, and it your not too creeped out by the Victorian's buried in the walls maybe you will dare to celebrate the Day of the Dead there too, and meet some of the artists with these mad ideas.

 The outside of the Crypt of St Pancras Church. 

 One of the many groups of mannequins hanging around the Crypt.

 Love the look of this mannequin, very sleek with those crazy glasses. 

My favourite, I might even end up hand painting my leather jacket!

Some of the tomb stones in the walls.

WELCOME to paradise!

So this is the beginning of my journey as a blogger!! I want to share all things inspirational and exciting; from my own photographs, drawings and anything I come across that I feel the need to show you! I hope you enjoy my journey, which may be a bit shaky to start with, but I hope you keep checking to see what is new to feast your eyes on.